
12 01195 0021be

May 3, 2012


Clip Length: 3:56

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01193 0015gh

May 3, 2012


Clip Length: 3:46

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01199 0001df

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 8:44

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01192 0014y9

May 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:15

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01196 0022n9

May 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:04

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01202 00037e

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 14:45

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01203 00195f

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 6:08

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01200 0002te

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 0:22

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01194 0018f5

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 12:59

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01198 0001bv

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 0:19

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01197 00165b

May 3, 2012


Clip Length: 8:40

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01201 0018vk

April 26, 2012


Clip Length: 10:14

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01187 earnedsickdaysfq

May 11, 2012


Clip Length: 5:07

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01184 07 i am a man who will fight for your honor

February 9, 2012


Clip Length: 11:25

Icon representing a video

February 09 2012 | Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01189 final-subtitled

May 14, 2012


Clip Length: 5:03

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01186 earnedsickdays-sub

May 14, 2012


Clip Length: 5:03

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

12 01188 earnedsickdaysweb

May 11, 2012


Clip Length: 5:07

Icon representing a video

Interview compilation showing stories about sick days, in support for a bill that would increase employer's requirements for earned sick days off work.

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