09 00081 r09 0007.wav
August 3, 2009
Clip Length: 42:10
Recording of the political education workshop
August 3, 2009
Clip Length: 42:10
Recording of the political education workshop
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 52:58
General announcements being made and the graduation of folks who were a part of the Project to Reignite Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign
August 2, 2009
Clip Length: 17:48
Interview with Crystal about what the Teen DAWG organization is and her participation in the program and the Leadership School
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 3:24
Performances of songs, poetry, and spoken word during the general assembly of the Leadership School
August 6, 2009
Clip Length: 27:31
Group activity in which people were sectioned off into groups and had to decide who would live or die in a hypothetical scenario; the activity was designed to show the different types of value marginialized identitites hold in society
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 51:17
Speech on the importance of organizing and solidarity work
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 27:54
Interview with Willie Baptist about homeless folks organizing themselves into a union, their actions and solidarity work with other groups to fight poverty nationally
August 2, 2009
Clip Length: 13:39
Interview with Maswii about the No Land No House No Vote Campaign in South Africa started by the Shackdwellers Union and Poor People's Alliance to protest government corruption
August 6, 2009
Clip Length: 15:00
Group activity around creating poetry about the feeling of fighting against poverty Actividad grupal en torno a la creación de poesía sobre el sentimiento de lucha contra la pobreza
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 2:52
Performances of songs, poetry, and spoken word during the general assembly of the Leadership School
August 2, 2009
Clip Length: 30:40
Speech about how the Leadership School helped their individual organization create new coalitions and strengthen themselves
August 6, 2009
Clip Length: 13:49
Singing around a campfire, in the style of Italian music
August 6, 2009
Clip Length: 29:04
Lesson around mapping the economic social justice/human rights history in the U.S. from World War I till present-day
August 2, 2009
Clip Length: 4:16
Interview about the organization in Guatemala and what kind of work she does, translated by Gustavo Martinez Entrevista sobre la organización en Guatemala y el tipo de trabajo que realiza, traducido por Gustavo Martínez
August 3, 2009
Clip Length: 15:56
Large group discussion/workshop going in-depth on the current 2008/2009 economic crisis through its historical origins and everyday impact on poor and working class folks Debate/taller en gran grupo que profundiza en la actual crisis económica de 2008/2009 a través de sus orígenes históricos y s...
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 1:50
Performances of songs, poetry, and spoken word during the general assembly of the Leadership School
August 3, 2009
Clip Length: 9:25
Recording of the political education workshop
August 2, 2009
Clip Length: 32:07
Long-form spoken word piece on the intricacies of poverty
August 3, 2009
Clip Length: 3:08
Large group discussion on poverty statistics and theories on poverty development
August 7, 2009
Clip Length: 4:07
Performances of songs, poetry, and spoken word during the general assembly of the Leadership School