In this page, you will find news and updates on what's been (and what will be) going on at PMR. We will also include anything that catches our eye that may be related and relatable to community media makers, activists, and organizations in Philly and beyond. In addition, we will include discussions of any hot reads and resources that may spark the interest of these communities. Enjoy!

Announcing the Record’s 2024 Fellows!

The Peoples’ Media Record is thrilled to introduce the group of wonderful individuals we selected for this year’s Preserving and Archiving Community Media Fellowship and Philly Resistance Histories Fellowship. The Preserving and Archiving Community Media Fellowship is generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Philly Resistance Histories Fellowship is generously funded by […]

Coming Soon: Our Workshop Series!

During winter and spring, we have been working very hard planning our summer workshop series: How to Take Care of Community AV Collections. These workshops, which will be taught by several archiving and preservation experts, will help attendants expand their knowledge on preservation, digitization, and metadata, copyright, and fair use. The workshops are geared towards […]

The PACE report launch

On April 14, 2023, the People’s Media Record celebrated the launch of the Philadelphia Audiovisual Collections Evaluation report (PACE), which examined the needs and gaps of local media organizations and makers around audiovisual preservation. The event represented the culmination of more than a year of dedicated work by our former director, Helyx Horwitz, who exited […]

A conversation on community media

On February 26, I had the pleasure of participating in a thought-provoking conversation about community media and its history and current state in Philadelphia, with a focus on Black activist and producer Marion Stokes and her preservation of the 24/7 news cycle. The event, which was organized by the Friends of the Laurel Hill Cemetery […]

AMIA 2022

In December of last year, our then director Helyx Horwitz and our digital archivist Khalila Chaar-Pérez traveled to Pittsburgh to the annual conference of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. The Association of Moving Image Archivists is a nonprofit international organization dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media; every year they hold […]

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