The PACE report launch
On April 14, 2023, the People’s Media Record celebrated the launch of the Philadelphia Audiovisual Collections Evaluation report (PACE), which examined the needs and gaps of local media organizations and makers around audiovisual preservation. The event represented the culmination of more than a year of dedicated work by our former director, Helyx Horwitz, who exited in March of this year, our digital archivist Khalila Chaar-Pérez, and our collaborators from Scribe Video Center and PhillyCAM, Dan Papa and Ryan Saunders. Members of our community advisory board and PACE participants were invited for a presentation and discussion of the report and to partake in some delicious Ethiopian food. We were excited to answer questions and spend the time with people from the queer-themed performance group Dumpsta Players, the media arts group TermiteTV Collective, and the community media center PhillyCAM.
The report, which includes the full survey, sample interview questions, and data tables based on survey responses, can be accessed here, please reach out to us if you have any questions or comments!