
11 01138 phil@west

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:56

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01065 elaineintro

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 0:43

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01069 elainerenaissance

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:22

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01028 azeemintro

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:20

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01055 cruz renaissancewhathappensnext

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:04

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01128 mohammedsupport2

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:25

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01060 cruz1-av

January 6, 2011

Clip Length: 0:00

Icon representing a file

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01068 elainenextsteps1

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 3:04

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01126 mohammedreputationvsreal

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:20

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01057 cruz strawberrymansion

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:35

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01042 cruz broll curackfocus

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:11

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01059 cruz studentteacherrelationships

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:36

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01100 karismabeforewest

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:25

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01103 karismaclasssize

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:31

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01048 cruz creatingchange present

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:25

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01111 karismaoutsidewest1

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:59

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01051 cruz intro

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:08

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01039 cruz academiescurrentimpact2

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:57

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01067 elainenextsteps

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 1:26

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01064 elaineintorcontd

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:11

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

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