
11 01131 phil improvingwest

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:06

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01061 elaineattributingchange

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:16

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01044 cruz broll msfrontofdesk

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:10

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01045 cruz broll wsdesk

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:34

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01027 azeemidealcurriculum

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:52

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01112 karismapresenceofvoice

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:23

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01114 karismarenaissance

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:59

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01129 mohammedws

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:22

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01052 cruz maybegoodmaybebad

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:48

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01043 cruz broll handdetail

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 0:08

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01053 cruz raisingthebar

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:20

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01084 geyette renaissancepotentialimapct2

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 3:05

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01056 cruz roleofteachers@west

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:37

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01135 phil presentwest

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 1:44

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01110 karismaoutsidewest

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:39

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01073 elaineurbanleadrershipimpactonstudents

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 2:15

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01074 geyette beginning@west

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 2:08

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01085 geyette thegoal

January 6, 2011


Clip Length: 1:56

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01071 elaineurbanleadrership

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 0:40

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

11 01063 elainecommunityinfluence at west

January 10, 2011


Clip Length: 6:36

Icon representing a video

Interviews made in production for a film about West Philadelphia High School and its transformation.

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