
09 00235 harvey finkle pt4

October 15, 2009


Clip Length: 2:53

Icon representing a video

Gatering as part of an annual 'Tribute to Change' event, to commemerate the work of photographer and BreadandRoses co-founder Harvey Finkle. Footage of the event, interviews with attendees, speeches, and performances to commemerate Harvey.

09 00234 harvey finkle pt3

October 15, 2009


Clip Length: 19:01

Icon representing a video

Gatering as part of an annual 'Tribute to Change' event, to commemerate the work of photographer and BreadandRoses co-founder Harvey Finkle. Footage of the event, interviews with attendees, speeches, and performances to commemerate Harvey.

09 00233 harvey finkle pt2

October 15, 2009


Clip Length: 18:07

Icon representing a video

Gatering as part of an annual 'Tribute to Change' event, to commemerate the work of photographer and BreadandRoses co-founder Harvey Finkle. Footage of the event, interviews with attendees, speeches, and performances to commemerate Harvey.

09 00232 harvey finkle pt1

October 15, 2009


Clip Length: 16:20

Icon representing a video

Gatering as part of an annual 'Tribute to Change' event, to commemerate the work of photographer and BreadandRoses co-founder Harvey Finkle. Footage of the event, interviews with attendees, speeches, and performances to commemerate Harvey.

09 00236 harvey finkle

October 15, 2009


Clip Length: 56:08

Icon representing a video

Gatering as part of an annual 'Tribute to Change' event, to commemerate the work of photographer and BreadandRoses co-founder Harvey Finkle. Footage of the event, interviews with attendees, speeches, and performances to commemerate Harvey.

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