
Digital Items from the People's Media Record catalog [English|Spanish]

11 00925 0015ho

November 8, 2011


Clip Length: 1:42

Icon representing a video

Mutual learning meeting with various human rights advocacy groups, focusing on how to organize movements across struggles. Reunión de aprendizaje mutuo con varios grupos de defensa de derechos humanos, centrada en cómo organizar movimientos a través de las luchas....

11 00928 0021vs

November 8, 2011


Clip Length: 1:50

Icon representing a video

Mutual learning meeting with various human rights advocacy groups, focusing on how to organize movements across struggles. Reunión de aprendizaje mutuo con varios grupos de defensa de derechos humanos, centrada en cómo organizar movimientos a través de las luchas....

11 00521 0020×6

December 7, 2011


Clip Length: 0:32

Icon representing a video

Footage of the Working People's Media Institute hosted by MMP.

11 00520 0006ur

December 7, 2011


Clip Length: 7:14

Icon representing a video

Footage of the Working People's Media Institute hosted by MMP.

11 00522 00195h

December 7, 2011


Clip Length: 0:28

Icon representing a video

Footage of the Working People's Media Institute hosted by MMP.

11 00519 0002le

December 7, 2011


Clip Length: 1:19

Icon representing a video

Footage of the Working People's Media Institute hosted by MMP.

11 01355 spotlight interviewd

June 6, 2011


Clip Length: 15:58

Icon representing a video

Interviews with people attending a workshop about education budget cuts.

11 01356 spotlight interviewd1

June 6, 2011


Clip Length: 33:45

Icon representing a video

Interviews with people attending a workshop about education budget cuts.

12 00383 000498

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:25

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00378 0010h6

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 10:59

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00377 0006pj

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 45:26

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00381 00019l

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:55

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00382 00138n

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 5:20

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00375 0003a4

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:25

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00379 0011oj

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:10

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00376 0005av

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:47

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00374 0002a9

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 0:31

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00380 0012ce

April 3, 2012


Clip Length: 1:10

Icon representing a video

Documentation of a workshop held at the MMP office about firefighters and brownout policies, including education about a petition.

12 00647 00248q

March 23, 2012


Clip Length: 11:57

Icon representing a video

2012 party for sustaining donors to MMP.

12 00622 0006jf

March 23, 2012


Clip Length: 0:23

Icon representing a video

2012 party for sustaining donors to MMP.

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