
Willard Elementary — Revival from the Roots

March 20, 2015


Clip Length: 10:09

The series follows myriad Philadelphia School District students, parents and caregivers, staff, and teachers, along with Helen Gym, Co-Founder of Parents United for Public Education, and Jerry Jordan, President of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, as they tour Philadelphia’s Neighborhood Sc...

12 00220 00063g

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:00

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00222 000960

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:51

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00224 001754

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:20

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00223 001553

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:39

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00216 0012bz

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:55

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00213 0007e1

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:34

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00214 0008qr

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 2:32

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00218 0014up

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:48

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00215 0010iq

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:42

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00217 0013ni

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:46

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00219 0016yu

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 0:32

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

12 00221 00111q

April 10, 2012


Clip Length: 1:05

Icon representing a video

Footage of an April 2012 warehouse fire in Kensington, filmed for MMP's brownouts campaign.

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