17 00002 The Mayor’s Promise test


Editors Note: We accidentally cut off the camera about 90 seconds before the mayor completed here remarks. In what could be her final annual update, on Wednesday, February 15th, Mayor Dana L. Redd gave remarks as an update on what she describes as "Camden's resurgence". She stuck to common phrases and themes related to "moving Camden forward". "What is a promise?", the mayor asked. In her view, promises that have been made by the political establishment have been kept. She listed her original goals as restoring accountability to city hall, education reform, and making communities safer. She describes her progress as creating a stronger community for residents defining it as an improved quality of life for a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous Camden. There are some specific initiatives that the mayor mentioned. Here are some articles and notes for additional context.

Camden Promise Zone designation

Contemporary Graphic Solutions

Camden High School - Demolition

TIGER grant transportation funding for North Camden

CHOICE neighborhood implementation grant for Branch Village, creating more green spaces,

Center for Family Services - they provide a bunch of services, including family therapy and sexual abuse counseling

Demolishing unsafe structures

Eds and Meds - a nickname for higher education and medical facilities

Fortune 500 companies:

Campbells Soup

Subaru is moving from Cherry Hill to Camden after getting millions in tax cuts to keep jobs in the area.

American Water

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