AMIA 2022
In December of last year, our then director Helyx Horwitz and our digital archivist Khalila Chaar-Pérez traveled to Pittsburgh to the annual conference of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. The Association of Moving Image Archivists is a nonprofit international organization dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media; every year they hold a conference that gets together all kinds of film and video archivists and preservation professionals to discuss everything related to acquiring, preserving, describing, exhibiting, and using moving image materials. Check out their website, they have excellent resources!
At AMIA, Helyx and Khalila shared a poster based on the initial findings and analysis from the Philadelphia Audiovisual Collections Evaluation (PACE), a study they carried out throughout 2022 in collaboration with Scribe Video Center and PhillyCAM and with the support of a Mellon grant. They exhibited their work at a poster session, where they got to chat with other movie and video specialists about community media archiving in Philadelphia. You can see the poster below (for more detail, right click and choose Open in a New Tab).
For more on PACE, please check out the PACE page.